// question: 0  name: switch category to $course$/Default for New Features
$CATEGORY: $course$/Default for New Features

// question: 44  name: Moodle activities
::Moodle activities::[html]Match the activity to the description.{
	=An activity supporting asynchronous discussions. -> Forum
	=A teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses. -> Choice
	=A bank of record entries which participants can add to. -> Database
	=A collection of web pages that anyone can add to or edit. -> Wiki
	= -> Chat

// question: 43  name: Greeting
::Greeting::[html]<a href\="http\://demo.moodle.net/file.php/5/media/bonjour.mp3">Listen to this greeting\:</a><br /><br />What language is being spoken?{
	~English#Sorry, listen again.
	=French#Yes, well done!
	~German#Sorry, listen again.
	~Spanish#Sorry, listen again.

// question: 46  name: Moodle user
::Moodle user::[html]Anyone who uses Moodle is a ...{

// question: 45  name: Moodle acronym
::Moodle acronym::[html]Moodle is an acronym for <span style\="font-style\: italic;">Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment</span>.{TRUE}