Description of HTML Purifier v4.12.0 library import into Moodle * Make new (or delete contents of) /lib/htmlpurifier/ * Copy everything from /library/ folder to /lib/htmlpurifier/ * Copy CREDITS, LICENSE from root folder to /lib/htmlpurifier/ * Delete unused files: HTMLPurifier.autoload.php HTMLPurifier.autoload-legacy.php HTMLPurifier.composer.php HTMLPurifier.func.php HTMLPurifier.includes.php HTMLPurifier.kses.php HTMLPurifier.path.php * add locallib.php with Moodle specific extensions to /lib/htmlpurifier/ * add this readme_moodle.txt to /lib/htmlpurifier/ Modifications: (verify if we need to apply them on every upgrade, remove when not needed) * MDL-67115 applied towards php74 compatibility.