CKEditor Samples » Producing XHTML Compliant Output

This sample is not maintained anymore. Check out its brand new version in CKEditor Examples.

This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to output valid XHTML 1.1 code. Deprecated elements (<font>, <u>) or attributes (size, face) will be replaced with XHTML compliant code.

To add a CKEditor instance outputting valid XHTML code, load the editor using a standard JavaScript call and define CKEditor features to use the XHTML compliant elements and styles.

A snippet of the configuration code can be seen below; check the source of this page for full definition:

CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
	contentsCss: 'assets/outputxhtml.css',

	coreStyles_bold: {
		element: 'span',
		attributes: { 'class': 'Bold' }
	coreStyles_italic: {
		element: 'span',
		attributes: { 'class': 'Italic' }


To fully experience this demo, the sourcearea plugin is required.
Rich Text Editor, editor1