This files describes API changes in /completion/* - completion, information provided here is intended especially for developers. === 3.10.8 === * The method \completion_criteria_completion::mark_complete() now has the optional $timecompleted parameter to specify when the criteria was completed. === 3.7 === * External function core_completion_external::get_activities_completion_status new returns the following additional field: - valueused (indicates whether the completion state affects the availability of other content) * On the course page, only users with the capability 'moodle/course:isincompletionreports' (students, by default) can now tick the completion checkboxes. Teachers no longer get working checkboxes; tey see slightly different icons that indicate whether completion is enabled for the activity. These are the same icons which have always been shown to teachers before when the enabled the course editing mode. === 2.9 === * A completed and failed activity counts as a completed activity for course completion.